Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random Avatar Character Spotlight: Lu Ten

Heh, it's me again. I might write some more of Jadecrafter soon, but first I needed to blog, however late it is. So I thought of this: some people will wonder just HOW Ozai got the throne of Fire Lord if Iroh was oldest. Well, this is practically the answer:

You need to have a son to claim the throne after you die to be the Fire Lord, right? Well, Iroh had a son, Lu Ten. Iroh and Lu Ten were very close. So of course Iroh was devastated when he found out that Lu Ten died in a battle during the 600 Day Siege of Ba Sing Se. This had a huge impact on him, compelling him to withdraw from the Siege, therefore giving the Earth Kingdom victory.
When Iroh returned home, almost everyone kinda felt sorry for him- except for Ozai and Azula. This gave Lu Ten's death gave Ozai an excuse to approach his father, Fire Lord Azulon, to give him the throne, for Iroh would not have a successor. However, Azulon was furious at this, successor to Iroh or no. However, when Azulon died, Ozai took the throne, claiming that it was what Azulon wanted. Iroh didn't even bother.
So, some rumors or facts about Lu Ten: Since he was the Crown Prince for a time, he was most likely a powerful Firebender (Such as I). I also think that Iroh treated Zuko like his son because of Lu Ten. The writing on the picture ahead is translated as (From Avatar Wikia), "To General Iroh, See you after we win the war. Your loyal son Lu Ten." 

In Memory of Lu Ten  

--The Writing Firebender

Friday, September 10, 2010

Introduction to The Writing Firebender- Me.

Hello. I am Alyanna Lung. I come from the Fire Nation. However, I just recently came across a different dimmension of Earth- one where the culture is much, much more advanced and have necessities such as electricity, sweets, civilization. I am loving this new world- so I decided that if the fellow people in what you people call "The Four Nations", know what I'm thinking, then why shouldn't you? That, and this is indeed a very interesting way to explore "technology". I am especially fond of iPods and found out how to express Avatar Moving Pictures and Music on this.
It is also amusing that the other dimension has decided to create "The Last Airbender" and "The Legend of Korra". It's pretty cool- and entertaining- to see us on the "Big Screen".
Anyways, more about me. Like I said, I come from Shu Jing, a nice town up in the mountains, and it's a really nice sight. It's also where Episode 304 Sokka's Master took place. Shu Jing also just so happens to have the largest vintage weapons store in the Fire Nation! It's also where sword master Piandao lived. So it's a nice place and an ideal location in the Fire Nation to reside.
I also created a "Legends of the Arena" account, and I was able to make a pretty accurate version of myself. So this is me:

Yup. That's me.

That's me in combat- it is very, very, VERY amusing to watch myself battle on a screen. Its very cool and I'm a Level 10 on there. I'll probably make a Legends of the Arena page... just maybe...
Outside of Firebending and exploring the technology of this new dimension, I like to read and I love to write- in fact, I'm writing a story, Jadecrafter, about the Earth Kingdom Avatar after Korra. It's a truly fascinating tale- one that I had the pleasure of telling. If anyone wants to read it, please, feel free. I invite you.

Well, that's all, I suppose. See you in the Four Nations and this world!

--Alyanna Lung, The Writing Firebender